Happy October!

I love candy corn as a symbol of fall. I must buy at least one bag once the seasons change. I love the taste and the colors. It’s big of course, for Halloween at the end of this month.

As for the end of the month recognitions, I’d rather remember Reformation Day commemorating Martin Luther on October 31.


This month marks one year since my dad died, and it’s funny, that I got a phone call a few weeks ago from his nursing home asking about what we wanted to do with some items that housekeeping had for him. I told them to feel free to discard them since we’d gotten everything that had been in his room.

Get this, a few days later, the same person called me back.

It was almost as though telling them to discard was the wrong answer. This time around, I urged them to pass on the items to whomever might need them, clothes, as an example. If housekeeping had the items, that was likely what they were. The housekeeping staff does the intake of clothes the residents have and labels them. They also wash the clothes the residents use.

After that, I got no more phone calls. I hope that whoever is wearing them, wears them well. He had a roommate when he first arrived there who only wore hospital gowns. Someone like that could use the items, I’m sure.

What else is going on? I was thinking about a favorite song, Guantanamera, many people know it: link. My favorite line: the mountains as more pleasing than the sea, that’s me, loving the mountains where we live, 1000 feet above sea level. There’s more flooding at sea level, even though there’s some in the valleys, but that’s why it’s important to check the maps for floodzones.

I’ve now switched the calendars around in my study, because I want the primary calendar I see to be the liturgical one, since I want to learn the calendar and do morning prayer better. It’s working, I think.

My writing adventures, what are they? I’m making progress on the current work in progress, I’m aiming to finish sometime this fall. I’m also doing well with the critique groups.

I must be crazy because I want to take another writing class just so that I can get in the mindset of plotting my next novel. All I have is that she’s a secondary character that shows up in the previous books. But who is she?  I’m eager to find out.

What else? I’ve been baking more for church social hour on Sundays. I made cupcakes: caramel and caramel with carrots. Then, the cheese biscuits on the right. I made the labels on my computer and printed them.

I’m also doing more ministry in the community, volunteering at a nonprofit thrift store sponsored by the local churches in my area, an ecumenical group.

Here’s an omelet lunch, another example of what I like to prepare all the time.

Here are some books: theology, sweet and inspirational romances and Christian fiction.

Some I finished, others I’m still reading.

These are biblical fiction stories that I truly enjoyed.

Here are some historical Christian romances. One of them I finished, the other, I didn’t renew it in time before I finished so someone else borrowed it. I now have to wait for my turn!


Have a great month!

Copyright Barbara James, all rights reserved.