Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s Suzette’s day to shine. Her book is available on pre-order in e-book format on Amazon: link, and as usual, I have ordered my print copy of her book.

And when I got to the mailbox, she was there!

Book blurb:

Suzette Nagel never imagined Bobby Sills would show up at the church where she was serving. But there he was, agreeing to take her with him on a road trip from New York City to Virginia for the wedding of her best friend, Ayanna Pagdell, and Bobby’s brother, Todd.

Suzette thought Bobby, an accountant based in New York City, was pleasant, but cool and distant, while Bobby thought Suzette, a seminary graduate student from Massachusetts, wasn’t his type.

By the end of the weekend, they discovered more than they bargained for, an attraction they didn’t anticipate. Suzette found that Bobby was more on her wavelength than she ever imagined possible, while Bobby experienced a welcome relief from the cut throat dating scene in New York City.

But will family pressure for her to return home to Massachusetts after graduation force them apart?



Copyright Barbara James. All rights reserved.