Happy New Year!

I hope your pile of books2019 was fantastic and that 2020 will be great as well.

So what have I been up to lately in my writing life? I haven’t been doing much reading, but much has been happening otherwise.

Ayanna is doing well. I’m happy to see that she is out in the world: link.

I just heard from the proofreader who read the draft of the latest work in progress. Suzette was a secondary character in Ayanna’s book, as was her hero, Bobby.

I’m looking forward to getting them ready for publication.

I presented Austin, the hero of my next work in progress about five months ago at a CIMRWA workshop that took place during the RWA conference in New York City. I blogged about what that felt like: link.

I imagined his book would be a novella, but he explained to me quite clearly that he was not going to be one. It was a full fledged novel he wanted. Since I’m his scribe, I have complied. So I have his latest draft which I’m working on.

The hero and heroine of the next book have been giving me snippets of their story. I think they want Austin to play a central role. That was clear to me when they kept showing up in Austin’s story.

So I have work to do.

Copyright Barbara James. All rights reserved.