Summer is here!

This is what summer looks like where we are: the mountains, a new front porch that looks somewhat like this, except for the windows, and a table with an umbrella for the deck in the back.

The contractor finished the porch we were putting in and it has four feet walls!

Most folks around here put in walls that about three feet high, but DH wanted them higher. When we sit, we can only see the roofs of the houses.

It’s like he wants a lot of privacy.

How did the ordinations go? They were fine, I proclaimed the gospel. This is what the outfit looks like.

I had something else bracketing the end of the month. The priest went on vacation for the summer, and they hadn’t get gotten a substitute priest, so we had morning prayer.

They invited me to participate. Yay!

I proclaimed the gospel at the early morning service and preached a homily. At the other service, I preached only.

In between the services, I went to breakfast with the early morning crowd. They have a table at a local restaurant, they’ve been going there for years.

The Morning Prayer service was choir dress, but I didn’t have my choir dress stole. I didn’t think I’d need it, so I wore one that’s typical for Eucharist. It looks similar to this but was green. I’ll know better next time.

What was happening a year ago with God in our lives?

Well, we knew since June that we had to get away. July affirmed to us that all the challenges we faced were disappearing. It’s as though all the roadblocks were just knocked over, through no effort of our own.

God’s time is on time, and that goes without saying.

On the writing front, my latest class just ended, and I spent time reviewing the comments from the instructor and my classmates. I also revised the submission I have for my critique groups. Finally, I put a deposit down on the next class.

It won’t be until the fall, which gives me more time to write in preparation!

Here’s a new book I found!

Have a great month.

Copyright Barbara James, all rights reserved.