Guest blog post: the writing process and my work in progress


​I would urge those who are struggling to write that they should do the best they could to squeeze in some writing time during the course of a week. Every word and sentence means progress! Some people get up early, others stay up late. Still others save their weekends for their writing time. Writing has to become something the writer just does, without question, because it’s second nature, and because writing can be exciting. My time to write is early in the morning before I start the day. Other times, I work in a few moments if something interesting occurs to me. Or I might make note of it and work later.

Whenever I am writing, I often find myself creating notes files for future works in progress. The inspiration for these come from things that occur to me when I’m writing the current work in progress. Perhaps a character inspires me, or something I have seen or heard made me think about how it might be useful for a character. As for deciding upon which one to work on first among any future projects, it really comes down to what works at the time, whether I have any ideas. Sometimes, I might need to think, research, and learn more about a character before I can begin writing.

So my current work in progress happened within a year after Starting Over: Rick, but I didn’t feel the inspiration for this book. It is about Lauren, one of Annelise’s friends and a bridesmaid at her wedding to Rick. I took down notes and I found images, but I wasn’t feeling it. However, I was inspired to write Denise and Roger’s story, Going Home: Roger, because I had a greater sense of what her character might be like, since she was Annelise’s sister and was thus a stronger secondary character.

What I like most about Rick’s book is that it was the first, and that it will be the foundation for future books. I like seeing how the characters develop over time from their introduction in the first book and through their own books.The fun part about writing the current sequel is that it gives me a chance to come back to Roger. His book began one year after Annelise and Rick’s wedding. What was he doing in the meantime? In this sequel, he is a stronger secondary character, because he is supporting the main characters on their road to their happily ever after. I give hints about him and introduce conversations which took place in greater depth in his own book. The foreshadowing makes it all the more interesting.

Copyright Barbara James. All rights reserved.